Well, it's official- As of this evening, I've decided that I am going to take another shot at the Mrs. Oregon America crown. I can't tell you how giddy and absolutely frantic that makes me feel at this moment!
I had a sneaking suspision, after last year's pageant, that I would be making a 2nd appearance, but I have to say that what pushed me over the edge from 'tossing the idea around' to 'YES, I'm in and I can't wait to get my gown!' was a phone call I got on Monday. Though, thanks to my persnickity phone, I didn't get the message until Tueday. It was from Libby, the pageant's director. She called to make sure I knew that the discount for the previous year's contestants was closing in and that she didn't want me to miss out on the discount, should I want to enter. When I called her back, we talked about my decision to re-enter and what I should think about as far as preparing this year. She told me she was very happy that I was returning and I told her I was just as excited. And you know what... I genuinely believe her. That is what has cemented my decision to support her program. Not because I am a crown chaser that lives for the day that my name will be called and I will have that shiny, sparkly crown placed on my head, but because I feel good being involved with a person such as Libby. Her integrity is impeccible. When she talks to you, you can feel her sincerity and you know that she is being true to herself and to you. This is a lost quality in today's lifestyle, where everyone seems to be trying to sell you something to make themselves some money. Libby represents her program as a program that supports, lifts up and honors married women of Oregon, and her only objective in this pageant is to make sure every participant is able to walk away having gained something.
I only met Libby last year through participating in the 2010 pageant, but since then I have been invited to her home, I have met her family and I feel like she has honestly tried to make our friendship extend beyond the pageant world. She is interested in my son, my home life... she honestly cares about me as a person, not as a contestant. I challenge anyone who complains about the materialistic qualities of pageants to enter the Mrs. Oregon America pageant, and see for yourself just how fulfilling the experience can be. I can not speak for other pageant systems, but I know that as long as Libby is running Mrs Oregon America, this program will be a stand out from the rest.
Thank you so much, Libby!
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