This is the only way I saw this equation working out, but I am happy to report that I was completely wrong. This year, my family was able to revive our cherished tradition of sending out the summer- we rented a houseboat on Lake Shasta and spent the week together. Yes, all of us t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r. 7 adults and a 2 year old. We waterskiied, innertubbed, kneeboarded and attempted to wakeboard. We lounged in the sun, went on boat rides and 'swam' with Ryker in the hot tub. Never has an unplanned week passed so quickly. I am use to being on the go all the time, so this break was just what was needed. Some quailty time with my family and wonderful new memories with my son.
Ryker did amazing. He rode in the car like a trooper, chatting away with his Tigger and Pooh Bear puppets and sleeping. He adored the houseboat, being on the water and going on shore to throw rocks into the lake. He entertained us all with his silly dances and crazy word combinations (he's experimenting with sentences). All in all, we were blessed with an enjoyable experience. On the way home, Grammie and Grampy decided Ryker needed to stop at the WildLife Safari in Winston, OR to see all the animals. He loved it!
I am very thankful for 2 things:

2) We have the means to be able to go on vacations together. The financial situation of our economy is so uncertain, and it is weighing heavily on families. I am thankful that my family members have jobs and are willing to prioritize our finances so that we can escape from time to time to focus on our family. This is something I hope I never take for granted.
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